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Case Studies

Below are some brief descriptions of services/projects that the Trust has funded in recent years:

Case Study #1: get2gether – Building Healthy Relationships

Grant awarded: £20,000 (£10,000 x 2 years)

The Trust helped to fund this service for adults with disabilities, offering courses, workshops and information to support the development of meaningful relationships. This included the discussion of topics such as sex, consent, friendships, feelings and mindfulness. Delivery was in person and also online, with targets met or exceeded in terms of delivery plans and attendance. Outcome targets were achieved in the majority, and 92% of participants reported having more friends as a result of this project. The charity also saw membership increase and continued to develop partnerships with other service providers.

Case Study #2: Euan’s Guide – Map The Gaps Volunteers

Grant awarded: £15,000 (£5,000 x 3 years)

The Agnes Hunter Trust grant enabled Euan’s Guide to recruit and train disabled volunteers, to contribute to address the gap in disabled access information in Scotland. In the last year alone, volunteers shared over 600 experiences of disabled access, gaining new skills and connecting through online and in-person events. A new User Panel was piloted with the Euan’s Guide community to ensure their voices shape the charity’s work. This project provided disabled people with trusted access information and increased confidence and inclusion, encouraging more disabled people, their family, friends and carers, to explore and enjoy accessible spaces across the country.

Case Study #3: Glasgow Access Panel

Grant awarded: £20,000 (£10,000 x 2 years)

The Trust contributed funds towards this information and advice service that focuses on supporting disabled people to live more independently and participate more fully in society. Each year over 50 people were offered direct support, and 12 access audits were conducted at external organisations over the 2-year period. Four focus groups and consultations were facilitated each year, and volunteering opportunities were provided. Participants were able to share and gain knowledge and skills, contributing to a more inclusive society.


Tel: 0131 538 5496 | Email: [email protected]

Agnes Hunter Trust SCIO No: SC050811

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